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Author:  Devtron [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Eh?

I have been trying to improve my drum sounds.

This is SD2
Strat -> Timmy -> Poulin Hybrit
Tele -> Mastotron -> Timmy -> Poulin SoloC + 456
P+J Bass -> Poulin XTC Atually :lol:



Author:  Devtron [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

I should note now that I have actually written all the parts, I am going to go back and record them with a few changes. Simplify the rhythm guitar part a bit, tighten up that lead riff and fix a few things with the bassline. I still have a bit of messing to do with the drums as well.

Edit: Oh and everything will fade out as well eventually.

Author:  Unstrung [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Pretty good. You can probably make the quieter hits an even lower velocity though... that would help the realism a bit. Seems to be the general 'feel' in SD2 that you're really gonna have to vary the velocities to sound 'human'. Not necessarily with the plain backbeat parts but just the ones where the snare does like 'Putta-ta, putta-ta' if you know what I mean.

I dig the chord progression brah. :isay:

Author:  chris_d [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?


Rhythm (cleanish) geetars are too quiet IMO. They almost sound like in random notes they might not match with the stuff on top, but i can't really tell, because they are too quiet. :red:

Otherwise, interesting changes. :huzzah:

Author:  Devtron [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

chris_d wrote:

Rhythm (cleanish) geetars are too quiet IMO. They almost sound like in random notes they might not match with the stuff on top, but i can't really tell, because they are too quiet. :red:

Otherwise, interesting changes. :huzzah:

The timing came out weird. I think I am going to cut down on the riff for the rhythm guitar, make it a half riff half chordy thing. These were all the writing and mixing parts, but I am going to try to knock out final cuts tomorrow. Quite a few mess-ups in there.

Author:  Snaxocaster [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

I get an error message trying to access this. Did you take it down, or is my 'puter being an asshole?

Author:  Devtron [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Snaxocaster wrote:
I get an error message trying to access this. Did you take it down, or is my 'puter being an asshole?

You must have checked when I was uploading a new version.

Author:  Devtron [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Ok the link should be working now.

Author:  chris_d [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Cool. I think the bass could get a little more bass to it(like maybe just a light EQ bump?) and i still feel like the rhythm guitars could come up even more.

I like that main riff, it reminds me a little of something i think, but i cannot place it.

What are your plans for vocals?

Author:  Devtron [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

chris_d wrote:
Cool. I think the bass could get a little more bass to it(like maybe just a light EQ bump?) and i still feel like the rhythm guitars could come up even more.

I like that main riff, it reminds me a little of something i think, but i cannot place it.

What are your plans for vocals?

I was originally planning to do whisper vox but now I am thinking maybe a more guttural throaty sort of voice.

Maybe both?

Author:  Snaxocaster [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Drums are sounding good on this. I like the chords on the bass as well.

Author:  Devtron [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Here's a version I think is a bit shinier. I still need to tighten up the playing and such but I think it is getting a lot closer to what I wanted.

Author:  Devtron [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Also on the new track:

rhythm is the strat neck -> Timmy -> Poulin Hybrit
lead is talman bridge -> Mastrotron -> Poulin Solo
Bass is PK -> Poulin XTC

I used the Brainworx Cleansweep Hi/Lo Pass on each track and the Cytomic The Glue compressors. The master track got a touch of YOUWASHOCK and T-SLEDE,

Author:  chris_d [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

It is definitely coming together yo.

Still some level/mix stuff seems funkay, but if you are going to vocalate it, i wouldn't worry, because the mix will probably change a bunch depending on how you go about the vocalating.

One thing that sounds odd for sure though, is that when everything fades out, one hi-hat or cymbal mic doesn't fade out? Like everything gets quiet except the one SPASH every measure or so.

Other than that, it is definitely becoming beslicked as you jigger about with it. :huzzah:

Author:  Devtron [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

chris_d wrote:
It is definitely coming together yo.

Still some level/mix stuff seems funkay, but if you are going to vocalate it, i wouldn't worry, because the mix will probably change a bunch depending on how you go about the vocalating.

One thing that sounds odd for sure though, is that when everything fades out, one hi-hat or cymbal mic doesn't fade out? Like everything gets quiet except the one SPASH every measure or so.

Other than that, it is definitely becoming beslicked as you jigger about with it. :huzzah:

I know and I don't quite understand that. I might just have to fade it manually with a filter on the hat track specifically, but it doesn't do that during playback. I might just re-render it first to see if that fixes it.

Author:  chris_d [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Myself, i usually don't automate fadeouts.

I prefer to save all that sort of stuff until i mix something down. Then i open it in an editor and do the fades and whatever final normalization BS i want to do.

My recording projects have a way of getting overly complex, and it tends to make it more likely that i will automate volume on something thinking it controls one thing, and then learn on later playback that it was routed screwy/accidentally to affect some other part of the mix, and i have accidentally muted a guitar track or something as well.

It just simplifies things for me to do that sort of edit after the fact. I also find it helps to make decisions of when a fade should start or end, when the things is sitting there all done as a simple stereo file. :idk:

Author:  Devtron [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

You know I think I might take out the rhythm guitar, and use that main riff as the bassline.


Author:  chris_d [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

That could work. Would remove some of the busy/dueling vibe. As it is the fuzzy guitar is more the focus at the expense of the rhythm anyhoo. Making the rhythm into the bass might open things up a bunch.

Try it out and see if it wins. :isay:

Author:  Devtron [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

chris_d wrote:
That could work. Would remove some of the busy/dueling vibe. As it is the fuzzy guitar is more the focus at the expense of the rhythm anyhoo. Making the rhythm into the bass might open things up a bunch.

Try it out and see if it wins. :isay:

Yeah right now the rhythm is fighting with the bass in the mix, and get overpowered by the fuzz. Honestly I think the rhythm might be the source of the murkiness in the middle of the mix.

Outside of the main riff, the rhythm part isn't exactly adding much anyway, at least not much a mildly distorted bass tone couldn't add.

Author:  Devtron [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eh?

Well I can't record at work but I did try taking out the rhythm guitar in my current mix and it makes a gigantic difference. Completely cleared up the mix, which leads me to believe I am not mixing the rhythm guitars properly. I think I am trying to retain too much of the bass from the rhythm track where I just need to pass that off and leave room for the bass.

On the other hand, I can of just like it as a three piece, but what I might do is take the rhythm guitars main riff to use as a bassline and follow the same chords, then just do a pretty cut and dry simple rhythm guitar track that will just help fill in the pocket.

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