
Blog/tweet about shit in your life here
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Author:  teh_bleeding [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

teh_bleeding wrote:
i finished my mob grinder in minecraft.

Its 19x19 and like.... 27 floors high.

i should mention, each floor consists of 1 block thickness of floor, and 3 blocks of empty spcae, so each floor is effectively 4 blocks of space taking. VERY LARGE FUCKIN TOWER :D:D:D

Author:  Bass_Destroyer [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

I've been meaning to download minecraft but I don't want to get addicted to a game right now.

Author:  torgeot [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

I didn't realize there were any cawcashuns left in brooklyn

Author:  torgeot [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

I'm practicing 4 times this week with 2 bands and playing 2 gigs, also 2x to the dojo to punish my body. This is interfering with my drinking and drugs. I fucked up my shoulder so bad I can barely use it, yet I managed to choke a guy to tap out using my broken wing as a rope.... good thing is it's not intering with my playing too much other than on any punk type rhythms.

'tis all

also; this may become stickied....

Author:  Unstrung [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

Broseidon wrote:

Also, I tried ecstasy the other night.
Ravers are pussy pieces of shit.
I did 3 hits and smoked a ton of weed..
I have been far, far, far higher just smoking weed.
It was noticeable but not worth feeling that shit the next day at all.

Ecstacy varies hugely from batch to batch. Moreso than any other drug probably, since it's not a specific drug but a pill containing whatever the hell someone wants to put into it. So don't pass you final judgement so soon... :cop:

Doing ecstacy was probably the turning point in me not doing drugs anymore.

Author:  teh_bleeding [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

i saw this at my university today.

ToS would be proud.


Author:  chris_d [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

That was truly a classic.

Author:  Snaxocaster [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

I had a band meeting yesternight. The restaurant we met at is deliciousness but I invariably regret it the next day. :snax: :? :facepalm:

We are planning the next show. I have an overdub session tonight with my bassist.

My occasional metal band has an amusingly bizarre setup now. Our guitarist, he of the :snax: FX, acquired some fucking gigantor JBL PA mains. An 18, a 10 and a horn, per cab. So we are running DIs; he's using the :snax: , I'm bassing through a Pod XT. (He's got a rackmount XT Pro, which we are going to copy my patches to, and play sans maps.) The drummer has some absurdly loud custom kits he builds himself.

Also, once again:

Snaxocaster wrote:
I am drinking coffee. I quaffed some whiskey before leaving my house. It is raining out. :red:

Author:  chris_d [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

I have been messing with drums today.

Went back to a five piece kit just for giggles. What is different, is that i put the racks in reverse order so it goes low-high-floor. Mainly i did it because it is easier to fit the smaller tom in that spot at the angle i want and around the height of my kick. Don't know if i like it this way yet. Seems interesting though.

Also recorded a bunch of drums and decided: I am not happy with how anything sounds right now. The kick mic, i think i like, but my kick itself needs a stern talking to. I think i am murdering its sound by using a kick pad in hopes to make it last as long as possible. I feel like it is killing the attack, and killing the sustain. I will probably pull it apart soon and rejigger, see if anything is fixable.

Other than that, i don't really like the way any of the other mics i have are sounding on anything right now. Just kind of dull and shitty on one end of the spectrum, and harsh and shitty on the other end.

As a result of this, i think i am going to go back to a much simpler recording setup, maybe one kick and one overhead. Period. Focus on something else for a change.

I feel like i have become overly myopic with detail bullshit, and in the end, the tech shit doesn't matter at all.

So fuck it.

Author:  Unstrung [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

At least two overheads. :red: You could do like, Recorderman technique...

Author:  Unstrung [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here ... Reddit.mp3 < lolz :red:

Author:  Snaxocaster [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

chris_d wrote:

I feel like i have become overly myopic with detail bullshit, and in the end, the tech shit doesn't matter at all.

So fuck it.

What's the quote, perfect is the enemy of good?

Author:  Unstrung [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

Snaxocaster wrote:
chris_d wrote:

I feel like i have become overly myopic with detail bullshit, and in the end, the tech shit doesn't matter at all.

So fuck it.

What's the quote, perfect is the enemy of good?


Author:  chris_d [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

Unstrung wrote:
At least two overheads. :red: You could do like, Recorderman technique...

Naw, if i were to go three mics, i would do glyn johns style. It makes a better/wider stereo picture IMO.

But mainly, i think i would like to start recording/mixing mono drums, minimal guitar tracks(meaning little/no straight doubling).

Author:  Snaxocaster [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

GJ is really nice sounding, done right. I have a clip floating around my friend did doing metal drums with four mics, Glyn Johns style + a snare mic. The low end is lacking on the toms with the really thick Dual Rec guitars, but the overall sound of the kit is really great. We used the Glyn Johns style setup for the overheads on the Garda stuff, and it works well. It's currently my preferred overhead setup.

There is nothing wrong with mono drums. Lots of old rock and jazz has mono drums and sounds fine.

Author:  chris_d [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

Aside from metal, i honestly cannot think of any recording right now where the drums being in stereo is particularly an outstanding quality.

Breakbeats are almost always mono. Most sampling is mono. All guitars i record are mono. Bass is always mono.

A lot of shit i like, even goes as far as to shove all of the drums into one side of the stereo mix.

So yeah, i just don't see the point of recording in stereo. In my opinion, aside from needlessly making the recording and mixing process more complex than it needs to be, it actually tends to reduce the likelihood making of interesting/unique panning decisions.

You can't really fuck with a stereo drum mix too much either, not if all of the drums were recorded at the same time. You start moving various mics around too much in the stereo field, and you will start running into phase issues all over the place. It limits what you can do with it, if you intend to stay married to the representation of the real space as it was, in stereo. Unless you want to go and overdub drums, or run 12+ close mics...

But. All that said, the overarching concern for me, at the moment, is just this: I need to step back, stop fiddling with the magnifying glass, and make some shit happen.

Author:  Snaxocaster [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

Bassist is unavailable due to work, and there's some really loud generic emo band (complete with out of tune vocal "harmonies") that apparently has moved into the building. Typical Buffalo, this shit's about five years dated. I'm shocked we don't to my knowledge have nu-metal anymore. :lol:

Okay, like I'm one to talk on sounding dated, but in my defense we're older and not trying to play mainstream poprock and are fully aware of our '80s/'90s-ness and are intentionally cultivating that we-are-who/what-we-are factor versus trying to sound contemporary completely in earnest.

So I set up some recording shizz anyhoo. I may come back later in the evening. For now, I'm fiddling with a DMX controller.

Author:  Devtron [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

I'm at work with no wireless internet, so no gaming or listening to music or watching tv or anything.

I just have to sit here.

And talk to you guys.

On a similar note, I have been lurking HCAF today and holy fuck.

Motherfuckin' Klops motherfuckin' drums.

Author:  Snaxocaster [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

You poor bastard.

Author:  Devtron [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blog/tweet about shit in your life here

Have you seen this phenomenon?

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