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So, huh, Doom, and stuff. 
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Winston Wolf
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Post So, huh, Doom, and stuff.

Kinda shitty here on Trash Mountain, how 'bout you guys?

Is everyone keeping it together?

I have to say, as a person who has been essentially "self isolating" for like twenty-two years or so, nothing has made me feel as crazy about the way i live, or the way i shop, or like, just about everything i normally do, like seeing all of it adopted widescale by a (rightly) panicking majority of the population.

Hope you all have access to the TPs and the eggs. And the booze. Or whatever your flavor is.

I wish you all mental health, physical health, and prosperity.




Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:22 pm
Walrus meat
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
HA-HA. Oh Yeah.

Holding up decently over here, still working which I'm grateful for but the majority of my friends are unemployed right now with all "non-essential" businesses being shutdown. All my service work friends have been out of work for two weeks now. Not sure how all that's working in other states, have been intentionally not reading much about the whole thing.

TP and other necessities are available around here still but you gotta look around sometimes. Seems to mostly be a problem in areas with a greater concentration of panic, AKA the more fortunate sectors of Seattle.

Funnily enough, pretty sure I already got the virus two months ago. Got mad fuckin sick for a whole week, all symptoms checked out including loss of taste and smell. Went to the doctor; no flu, no strep throat. Kicker is, she said it was almost certainly a virus, possibly even specifically coronavirus. Obviously no use of "COVID-19" or whatever but it's definitely not a shocker to people in that world that I've talked to.

As a skeptic in these sorts of panics, I am kinda just waiting for people to chill out. :red: Very obviously not cool for people to be dying and all, but unless the government adequately compensates people for what's going on right now we are looking at some pretty serious fuckin shit.

What does this kind of situation mean for your whole mortgage adjustment fiasco? Seems like there's *ideally* some suspension of that kind of stuff coming up soon. I know Canada is handling their shit pretty well with that right now, much better than us anyhow.

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Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:16 pm
Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Good to hear you are still going strong man!

So far, this shit has offered no foreclosure protection for the types of loans that affect my house. Only FHA loans are protected right now. And my parents don't have one.

Also, due to the fact that i am currently out of work and so is my sister, we are not now in a position to buy the house/solve the problem. So that is extra great. We were actually at the point of signing a purchase and sale when it just blew up like yesterday for us. Neither of our employers at first expected any problems, but now they have come around to them, and we are both out.

Thirdly, i don't know that i would call it panic quite, i think that undersells it. It is definitely real, and the reality of it is shown especially in places that didn't take it seriously until too late, like italy. New York is definitely in rough shape, but i would extrapolate that to say, that New York is doing more testing than pretty much anyone else in this country right now, and that if more places were testing like they are, things would actually be much more clearly worse elsewhere/everywhere. And we would also have a much clearer picture of mortality rates and all of that. Which would really clarify what our options really are right now.

The capacities of hospitals are a real thing. And they are not designed in this country to handle the sort of surge occupancy that this shit is trending towards.

The solution is stupidly simple, but i don't know, i kind of think that americans might be too stupid to do it until it gets REAL bad, like too late bad. Exponential curves are hard for humans to visualize. And it could very well fuck us, screw everything up for longer than is needed, and kill a lot of people.

As far as the government fixing anything, well, we DO get to pay for it later, via taxes, either way. They are just loaning us our own money. Plus giving some corporations some sweet basically free cash. It is really a win-win. As long as you aren't a medium to low income taxpayer.

On the upside, though i am still in danger of foreclosure, i have some money saved up(from getting ready to buy trash mountain), and i will probably be okay for an extended period of unemployment. Around here, i haven't really seen any real shortages at all. You may not have the choice of preferred brands, but pretty much everything is available.

Ball is back in my parents' court though with the house solving shit. They at least are now both working good jobs(which are both based from home), which hopefully will help with that.

I personally would love a bit less stress level though. Really hard to incite creativity for me right now. Have a real powerful desire to just go passive and take a nap. Kind of hate that. It could be an opportunity to get some things done, if i can rewire my dumb brain.



Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:52 pm
Walrus meat
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Yeah, I guess panic is not the right word.

The lack of hospital facilities and supplies is really what is most concerning to me. In a country who's love of cranking out surplus military bullshit it's just a little insane we aren't even remotely equipped for something like this.

Glad to hear your situation isn't 100% complete dogshit. Have you applied for unemployment and all that? Seems like people around me are actually getting the help they need in more decent order than I expected.

Some brain rewiring's maybe most easily achieved right now considering how fucky/shook up conditions are, or maybe even more difficult. Hard to say. Going to try to do the same here in the next couple months. Need to start exercising and clearing shit out of my head.

Knocking some projects off my plate atleast, finally put this thing out: ... love-disco

Other than that, trying to make use of a studio space that is currently pretty unused. Time for some sonic fuckery.

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Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:30 pm
Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
NICE. Always a fan of what you cats are cooking over there. Really enjoy all parts of this EP. Most excellent.

For me, i feel like it would be a great thing to have a soundproofed space to make some proper noise in. I really should focus some attention on making that happen. Up to this point, i have been exceptionally aware of my loud awfulness, and have been trying to keep it reasonable quiet for the sake of all the other poor saps around here on plaguewatch isolationtimes. Though, for sure, i am working around to not giving a fuck what the neighbors think about my favored high volumes and rusty drumming, particularly the neighbors with the screaming children across the street.

I don't envy anyone who had a stack of kids and who is not used to having them all locked up in the house while also being unusually locked in the house themselves, but just the same, bloodcurdling torture screams are one playtime element that my mother was always very adamant would not be on the allowable list unless we were being, you know, actually murdered, so she could respond appropriately and come rain violent justice upon our attackers. These kids don't seem to have had that talk yet. Thinking i will have to dust off the drums, just to fucking drown them out, at this point.


I did the unemployment thing just recently, will see how that works soon enough. Hopefully it can make up for some of what i am not making and get my main bills done without hitting my reserves.

Honestly, for me personally, aside from the hanging Damocles sword of mortgage problems, it is okay here. This is how i normally live, anyhow, for the most part.

One surprising thing i have found though is definitely how much just watching other people respond to being forced into this mode, makes me feel crazy to normally live this way. There are only very odd and few things i have found that have made me question the choice i made(at a pretty fucking young age) to be okay with living and dying alone. I just have been catching the slightest hint of that shit here and there lately, and it is weird.

Trying to stay active, trying to play guitar, trying to inch towards some actual production. Still kind of feeling like an idle piece of shit at the moment though. Not in a like BAD way necessarily, but just in a general "time to change the pace up" kind of way.



Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:39 pm
Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
hi Gents.
Chris I sure as hell hope you get one of those fancy stimulus checks. that should help a bit. I know not near enough.

i am an essential worker an unfortunately I work for NYU Medical center so we are swamped. I am in IT, I am sure you guys know this, so this week I am working from home, but we are ready to go in at any moment and we have but networks in the expand tents for emergency rooms for the hospitals and we are refitting some of our larger clinical spaces (remote offices) to be makeshift hospitals. Scary here.

after being stuck in the house for a while, I know why dogs chew on furniture.

Oh I'm still a ninja, recently tore up a hamstring and have a grusome picture, I'll post.

Launched a youtube channel, some bullshit talk and review/instructiona video

I'll post a link to the channel once I have a little more content.

The live stream has been fun other than trying to get audio striaghtened out while interviewing folks on skype.

Stay safe map-folk. chat soon

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:11 am
Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
by the way, this would be a perfect time to strike with our mechanical beasts.

jus' sayin'

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:53 am
Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.

Tor, i am happy to hear that you are healthy aside from the hamstring.

My sister is in Astoria and she is maybe kinda losing her marbles with no store to run. NYC is some kind of nonsense right now.

It is good that you have work, i hope that you can limit exposure and continue to do it from home. This is some crazy-ass crazytime.

Look forward to seeing Youtube Torings. :huzzah:



Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:23 pm
Walrus meat
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Glad to hear you're well and working, Tor. :huzzah: Def share links to your stuff, podcasts and stuff keeping my brain engaged in productive thought and all is the only thing really keeping me and I think a lot of other people from going too mad.

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:57 pm
Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.

well that is for shit.... here's link :

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Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:07 am
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
I'm working from home through all of this. Just cooped up in here, going through the routine with my job and kid... kind of... really want for it to go back to normal already...

Your EP sounds cool as hell Cam. Man you get a cool drum sound.

Member of the Radium Water Gentlemen's League Of Luxury.
(I also play in a band called Human Compost but our bandcamp is banned)

Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:57 pm
Walrus meat
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Thank ya, Geoff. :huzzah: My favorite thing to mix, which is probably why they're so fucking loud on that thing.. whoops!

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Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:54 pm
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Yeah Manhattan has been a bit weird. We are actually pretty lucky that our old-school neighborhood still has plenty of local grocers and pharmacies that we haven't struggled getting the necessities. But it hasn't been easy, had to stretch some stuff and go hunting for specific stuff. We planned for the worst and stocked up on non-perishables before the shutdown, so that is helping a lot.

Actually one of the best resources for us has been restaurants. A lot of them can't afford to keep a kitchen running off of takeout and delivery alone, so they have basically become grocers themselves. Got a ton of wine and produce off of one of our favorite spots.

Bodegas and delis have been a godsend. Surprisingly good resources for cleaning supplies and paper goods. All of the bigger stores have lines around the block and are always low on stuff, so we have to shop around more but so far so good.

We also have a bidet now, not sure if I can ever go back ...

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Sat May 02, 2020 10:00 pm
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Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
glad to hear you have what you need Dev. I've been working from home for 5 weeks now, I go on site if need. I was lucky with toilet paper, i didnt know I had a problem until we took inventory after the shut down when i realized we had over 72 rolls in the house.... We are good until 2021

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Mon May 04, 2020 1:57 pm
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
I have decided to do my part in stimulating the economy by fighting my quarantine-boredom by making a very silly pedalboard for myself.

I guess at some point, I will make music with it as well.

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Sun May 10, 2020 9:47 am
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Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Excellent! What flavor of silly?



Sun May 10, 2020 10:30 am
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Two delays and a polyoctave pedal silly. Going back to my classic noisy-ambient-hipster setup now the days of my stripped-down pop punk playing are over. Thinking a civil-war sovtek muff clone of some variety is in order. Gonna try out the Boss DD-8 cause I love digital delays and I need stereo inputs on it. Gonna hit the whole thing with a compressor of some sort, and I figure I will throw my TS-9 somewhere around the fuzz. Then somehow I will manage to fit a gate and a tuner on there somewhere, though now I don’t play live so the gate may be a bit redundant.

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Tue May 12, 2020 5:24 pm
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Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
so the Youtube thing has kinda taken off a bit, big name interviews, Joel Hoekstra, Steve Lynch, Jimi Bell, Gerry Finn, David Grissom is coming up this week.. so it's kind of a shit show, but its getting better ... ex=5&t=84s

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Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:28 pm
Winston Wolf
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Post Re: So, huh, Doom, and stuff.
Dude, that is awesome!

I have to watch a bunch of those and catch up!



Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:34 am
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