It's been much too long since I've been here, hope all of you have been doing well. I've kinda kept up with some of you through the Facepages and whatnot, but I thought I'd give you an update on what I'm doing as of late.
So, I'm in this band called PJ Franco and the Burnouts up here in Alaska. It's a bass/drum/trombone punk trio, and we're going on our second trip to play the Warped Tour and our own tour on the side. (We're still looking for a couple dates on the West Coast, so if any of you guys can help me out on this one, please let me know.) I've been with them for the past year and a half, so it really has been a fucking long time since I've been here....
Otherwise, take a listen to us! I think we're pretty fun.!/pjfrancoandtheburnouts ... ii-6196255How've you guys been?!